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Open the Podcasts app on your Apple Watch. Tap Library; tap Episodes, Stations, or a show; then tap an episode to play it.

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Med låga avgifter blir det mer avkastning över till dig! Se hur just din investering kan förväntas utvecklas hos Lysa. Startkapital – 10  “How to Start a Podcast” is a serial podcast that teaches you how to create a podcast from scratch. Presented by Buzzsprout, this podcast is perfect for the newbie podcaster, the established podcaster who wants to make sure they have all their bases covered, or someone who wants to learn more about what it’s like to make a podcast.

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Go to iTunes Connect to submit your podcast. Review all your podcast information and make sure it’s correct; click on the iTunes Store tab, scroll to the bottom and click the Podcasts link under Explore, and then click Submit a Podcast. Ross Winn is the founder of Podcast Insights, the industry-leading podcast education site. He has helped thousands of people start and grow a podcast and loves to test out new gear and software. Get The Podcast Starter Kit Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Service; Privacy Policy; Contact Us; Support While logged in, click on the iTunes Store tab. Scroll to the bottom and click on the Podcasts link under Explore.
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Hit the big ➕ button in the top left corner, enter your podcasts’ RSS feed, and then “Verify”. 2021-02-17 · When you sign up with a hosting provider, you'll enter all the key details about your show. These are things like the podcast name and description.

All podcasts submitted to Apple Podcasts are moderated.
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Terms of Service; Privacy Policy; Contact Us; Support 3 to 5 episodes is a good number to start with. Submit To Apple Podcasts (iTunes) I have a separate guide on how to submit your podcast to iTunes but within Buzzsprout just click Apple Podcasts under the Directories tab and follow the steps they’ve put together. After that, grab your podcast RSS feed and submit to other podcast directories too.

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