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Punica 'Afganski' CATEGORY Pomegranate. HIGHLIGHTS. Consistent cropping; High yielding; Slightly tart flavor; availability: 0 Login for pricing. ZONE: 6-10 Afganski Russian Pomegranate, Sweet, slightly tart fruit, performs especially well in the high humidity of the Southeastern US. 12-15', Zone 7-9, cold hardy 0-5 degrees.
High count of red medium-hard seed. USDA Hardiness Zones: 7-9. Deciduous/Evergreen: Deciduous. Pomegranate are not heavy feeders, and over fertilization results in lush leaf growth at the expense of fruit production.
10 Växter idéer växter, inomhusväxt, plantering - Pinterest
Punica 'Sirenevyi' Pomegranate. Upright growth habit availability: 0 Login for pricing. Punica 'Sweet' Pomegranate.
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Pomegranate. • Bushy, dense multi stemmed, 10‐12 feet. Производство граната в Афганистане - Pomegranate production in Afghanistan поскольку афганский продукт, как говорят, крупнее, краснее и сочнее.
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Pomegranates ( Punica granatum) Pomegranate ( Punica granatum 'A.C. Sweet') Pomegranate ( Punica granatum 'Afganski') Pomegranate ( Punica granatum 'Agat') Pomegranate ( Punica Russian Pomegranate Salavatski Punica granatum. Dr. Chris Inhulsen, Montezuma, Ga., tested Russian pomegranates and found they survived winters where the popular "Wonderful" variety killed to the ground.
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Large pink hull fruit. Pink arils with a sweet-tart taste, very fruity and medium hard seed. Plant is a average producer. Also called Russian #8. Cold hardy. Plant database entry for Pomegranate (Punica granatum 'Afganski') with 40 data details.
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Gardenality is a gardening-centric site made by gardeners for gardeners with tools that enhance any gardening for the expert to the weekend gardener.
Cultivars : Austin, Crimson Sky (Nikitskii Rannii), Desertnyi, Eve, Favorite, Makedonia, Parfankia, Phil's Sweet, Red Silk, Salavatski. Pomegranate cuttings Afganski, Crab, Cranberry, Entek-habi-saveh, Kaj-acik-anor, Pomegranate whole fruit and juice were evaluated for various physical and physiochemical attributes at end of storage.