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Vessel. (2006) Genetics of HUS: the impact of MCP, CFH, and IF mutations on clinical presentation, response to (2010) Myocardial infarction is a complication of factor H-associated atypical HUS. From AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 29(5), e34. Experimental cord stretchability and the tethered cord syndromeMuch remains to be learned about the embryology and patho-physiology of the "tethered cord  Experimental cord stretchability and the tethered cord syndromeMuch remains to be learned about the embryology and patho-physiology of the "tethered cord  av C LINNMAN · 2008 — This thesis is on chronic neck pain after a rear impact car injury, so called whiplash associated are risk factors for the development of chronic pain.14 This idea has some AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 2000;21(8):1402-6. 120.

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Editor. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. By Social media use by professional organizations has increased as a platform to disseminate information, affording an alternative avenue to engage membership and the public. The American Journal of Neuroradiology ( AJNR ) posts cases and articles, hosts Tweet chats, advertises podcasts, an … List of Radiology Conferences; April 28-29, 2021 11th World Congress on Breast Cancer 2020, Barcelona, Spain: May 03-04, 2021 13th International Conference on Cancer Stem Cell & Oncology Research, Prague, Czech Republic: May 24-25, 2021 Circulation Journal Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1346-9843.

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Nonparametric analysis of citation frequency showed significant correlations with impact factors of respective publishing journals (rho = 0.444). CONCLUSION: Results from this study suggest that publications initially rejected from AJNR have a significantly lower citation frequency than those accepted by AJNR. ASNR's guide to neuroradiology-related procedures and conditions.

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Ajnr impact factor

American Journal of Nursing Research.2021, 9(3), 76-84.DOI: 10.12691/ajnr-9-3-2 Pub. Date: March 26, 2021 AJNR’s New Impact Factor. We are please to announce to our readers and contributors that our new IF is 3.67 (5-year IF: 3.82). Other major journals such as Radiology, AJR, Neuroradiology, Stroke, Neuroimage, RadioGraphics, Journal of Neuroradiology, and Journal of Interventional Neuroradiology all experience a small decrease in theirs. AJNR continues to be the pre-eminent publication in clinical neuroimaging and most widely circulated and referenced imaging subspecialty journal. According to, AJNR ranks #3; Chinese Sell Authorship in Scientific Publications, According to Science; Google Scholar Ranks AJNR in Top 10 Radiology and Imaging Journals; AJNR’s New Impact Factor: 2.745, A Record High!

Ajnr impact factor

Se hela listan på American Journal of Neuroradiology April 2021, DOI: 2014-07-31 · AJNR’s New Impact Factor. We are please to announce to our readers and contributors that our new IF is 3.67 (5-year IF: 3.82). Other major journals such as Radiology, AJR, Neuroradiology, Stroke, Neuroimage, RadioGraphics, Journal of Neuroradiology, and Journal of Interventional Neuroradiology all experience a small decrease in theirs.
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Ajnr impact factor

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AJR, and Radiology. Maximizing the Tweet Engagement Rate in Academia: Analysis of the AJNR that radiology journals with Twitter profiles have higher Impact Factors than those   Enago's Englisch Lektorat und Publikationsservice für AJNR. Impact Factor, 3.464 American journal of neuroradiology wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, AJNR. 1 Oct 2015 Read "Subspecialty Virtual Impact Factors within a Dedicated Neuroimaging Journal, American Journal of Neuroradiology" on DeepDyve, the  1 Apr 2021 The mission of AJNR is to further knowledge in all aspects of neuroimaging, head and neck imaging, and spine imaging 5-Year Impact Factor cognitive impairment, and dementia with potentially modifiable risk factors such as obesity, diet, sleep, hypertension, diabetes impact is in the area of age- related cognitive decline.
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You can check Impact Factor of Journals, ISSN, number of citations, publisher, ranking and other important details of more than 15000 journals and conferences from over 4,000 international publishers in different areas. The mission of AJNR is to further knowledge in all aspects of neuroimaging, head and neck imaging, and spine imaging for neuroradiologists, radiologists, trainees, scientists, and associated professionals through print and/or electronic publication of quality peer-reviewed articles that lead to the highest standards in patient care, research, and education and to promote discussion of these and other … 6.

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ISSN: 0195-6108. Se hela listan på American Journal of Neuroradiology April 2021, DOI: 2014-07-31 · AJNR’s New Impact Factor. We are please to announce to our readers and contributors that our new IF is 3.67 (5-year IF: 3.82). Other major journals such as Radiology, AJR, Neuroradiology, Stroke, Neuroimage, RadioGraphics, Journal of Neuroradiology, and Journal of Interventional Neuroradiology all experience a small decrease in theirs. 2011-06-29 · Our goal is to assure not only the scientific quality of AJNR but also its future in academic libraries, many of which base their subscriptions on bibliometric measures such as the IF. Our contributors also like to submit to those journals with the highest IFs which is our goal. AJNR’ s New Impact Factor: 3.46.

Identify and manage research activities and their impact; Benchmark and compare  50 publications, peer-reviewed journals (Impact factor > 91; isi 2012), and > 100 AJNR. 2000;21:1195-8. Staudenherz A, Fazeny B, Marosi C, Nasel C,  1 Jul 2018 It has been recently shown for the AJNR Twitter feed that the use of by radiology journals: an analysis of Twitter activity and impact factor. Impact Factor 3.381. 5-Year Impact Factor 3.853 _____ Cite Score 3.28. Eigenfactor Score 0.02712. Article Influence Score 1.147 The American Journal of Neuroradiology (AJNR) publishes original articles pertaining to the clinical imaging, therapy, and basic science of the central and peripheral nervous system, including but not limited to the brain, spine, head and neck, interventional procedures, techniques in imaging and intervention, and related educational, socioeconomic, and medicolegal issues.