BIS added a new military-intelligence end use restriction at section 744.22 of the EAR, following the existing military end use rule Jun 9, 2020 Among other things, BIS will expand the licensing controls in Section 744.21 to restrict not only "military end uses" in the PRC, but now also Jan 21, 2021 The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Changes to section 744.21of the EAR; Military end-users; License review Jan 27, 2021 § 744.21; Expands restrictions on the export of constituent materials to produce certain chemical and biological weapons; Expands the definition Jul 1, 2020 The rule, which was issued on April 28, 2020, broadens Part 744.21 of scheduled to take effect – BIS issued 32 Frequently Asked Questions Mar 8, 2021 BIS added Burma to the list of countries subject to 'military end use' and 'military end user' (MEU) restrictions under § 744.21 of the EAR. Subject: § 744.21 Restrictions on certain 'military end use' or 'military end user' in 1 See 8 “Military end-use” is defined in EAR § 744.21 as (i) incorporation into a military Dec 29, 2020 BIS also added more than sixty other entities to the Entity List from Bulgaria, Under the authority of another section of the EAR, § 744.21, BIS May 20, 2020 BIS Significantly Tightens Controls, Broadens License Requirements Section 744.21 to the License Requirements sections of each ECCN. iv. Jul 11, 2014 The final rule amends Section 744.21 of the EAR to implement “military end use” and “military end user” license requirements for exports, Apr 30, 2020 Section 744.21 of the EAR currently requires a BIS license in order to export, reexport or make a transfer (in-country) of any Supplement No. Jun 5, 2020 Expand the licensing requirements for China to include military end-users in addition to military end-use—currently, Section 744.21 imposes BIS also issued an interim final rule on May 15, 2020, which expands the scope of Currently, the provisions in Part §744.21 of the EAR implement controls on Apr 29, 2020 To achieve this goal, BIS is making several changes to the Export In short, the revised definition of military end use in 744.21 is vastly Apr 28, 2020 BIS stated its intent is to gain increased visibility into sensitive export transactions involving China, Russia and 4) 15 C.F.R. § 744.21. Jul 1, 2020 Expands the licensing requirements under Section 744.21 of the EAR (15 CFR parts 730–774) for China to include “military end users” and Jun 18, 2020 On April 28, 2020, the BIS published two final rules and one the following significant changes to the controls set forth in EAR §744.21:. Jan 8, 2021 On December 23, 2020, BIS published a rule (85 FR 83793) adding the the U.S. government as “military end users” subject to EAR §744.21. Apr 29, 2020 with respect to China, Russia and Venezuela (15 C.F.R.
BIS’s position is that such items require a license for export to China, Russia or Venezuela in order to support the US policy of regional stability in those areas. Prior to publication of the Final Rule, § 744.21 required a license for exports of certain enumerated items BIS Guidance. On June 26, BIS published Frequently Asked Questions 2020-04-28 On 23 December 2020, BIS created a new Military End User List, naming more than 100 Chinese and Russian companies subject to the enhanced licensing requirements of section 744.21 of the EAR. On December 23, 2020, the US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) issued a final rule amending the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) by adding a new “Military End BIS is publishing this rule to support the national security and foreign policy objectives § 744.21 for 9x515.y items was imposed in a May 13, 2014 rule that implemented CCL controls on certain spacecraft (Revisions to the Export Administration Regulations: Control of Spacecraft For exports, reexports, shipments, transmissions, or transfers (in-country) that are in transit at the time you are informed by BIS that a license is required in accordance with §§ 744.2(b), 744.3(b), 744.4(b), 744.6(c), 744.9(b), 744.11(c), 744.17(b), 744.21(b), or 744.22(b) of the EAR, you may not proceed any further with the transaction unless you first obtain a license from BIS (see part BIS may inform and provide notice to the public that certain entities are subject to the additional prohibition described under this paragraph (b) following a determination by the End-User Review Committee (ERC) that a specific entity is a 'military end user' pursuant to this section and therefore any exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) to that entity represent an unacceptable risk parties. Section 744.21 imposes restrictions for exports, reexports and transfers (in-country) of items on the CCL for a military end use or military end user in the People’s Republic of China (PRC or China), Russia, or Venezuela.
§ 740.11(b)(2)(i) and (ii) of the EAR as specified in § 744.21(c). The license application procedure and license review policy for entities specified in this supplement 7 to part 744 is specified in § 744.21(d) and (e). Country Entity Federal Register Citation BURMA [Reserved] [Reserved] CHINA, PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF The MEU rule imposes a license requirement on the export, reexport, or transfer (in-country) of items specified in supplement no. 2 to part 744 of the EAR to China, Russia, and Venezuela, when the exporter, reexporter, or transferor has knowledge that the item is destined for a “military end use” (as defined in EAR § 744.21(f)) or “military end user” (as defined in EAR § 744.21(g)).
Link to an amendment published at 86 FR 4873, Jan. 15, 2021. (a) General prohibition.
(1) Category 1 Materials, Chemicals, Microorganisms, and Toxins (i) 1A290 Depleted uranium (any uranium containing less than 0.711% of the isotope U 235) in shipments of more than 1,000 kilograms in the form of shielding contained in X ray units, radiographic exposure or
The US Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) published an Interim Final Rule on January 15 to implement changes to, and impose new licensing obligations under, the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) relating to the expansion of specific end-use and end-user controls, as well as controls on specific activities of US persons (the Rule). 2014-11-07
The changes date to April 28, 2020, when the Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (“BIS”) published a final rule (“Final Rule”) that, among other changes, revises the 15 C.F.R. § 744.21 provision related to Military End Uses and Military End Users in China, Russia, and Venezuela.
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7 to part 744 (‘Military End-User’ (MEU) List) in Federal Register notices published by § 744.21(b)(1) of the EAR, BIS may designate entities subject to this additional prohibition under paragraph (b) that have been determined by the ERC to be a ‘military end user’ pursuant to § 744.21. These entities will be added to supplement no. 7 to part 744 (‘Military End-User’ (MEU) List) in Federal Register notices published by BIS. Broadened Application: BIS confirms in Question 2 that while the definition of military end user was not revised, its application has been broadened. Besides now applying to military end users in China, it will now effectively include additional end users because the definition of “military end uses” was expanded in Section 744.21(f).
The license application procedure and license review policy for entities specified in this supplement 7 to part 744 is specified in § 744.21(d) and
Under §744.21(b) of the EAR, BIS may inform persons either individually by specific notice, through amendment to the EAR published in the Federal Register, or through a separate notice published in the Federal Register, that a license is required for specific exports, reexports, or transfers (in-country) of any item because there is an
Under § 744.21(b) of the EAR, BIS may inform persons either individually by specific notice, through amendment to the EAR published in the Federal Register, or through a separate notice published in the Federal Register, that a license is required for specific exports, reexports,
In April 2020, BIS amended the EAR § 744.21 to tighten military end-use and end-user controls against China, Russia, and Venezuela. As amended at that time, EAR § 744.21 imposed a license requirement on the export, reexport, and transfer (in-country) of items listed in Supplement No. 2 to Part 744 of the EAR to military end-uses or military
§ 740.11(b)(2)(i) and (ii) of the EAR as specified in § 744.21(c).
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· (b) Additional prohibition on those informed by BIS. · (1) ' Military End-User' (MEU) List. · (i) End-User Review Committee (ERC). · (ii) · (2) · ( i) Current EAR section 744.21(a)(2) requires a license prior to shipment to China of items intended for “military end-use.”x However, on April 16, 2013, the BIS Jan 25, 2021 Part 744.21. BIS added a new military-intelligence end use restriction at section 744.22 of the EAR, following the existing military end use rule Jun 9, 2020 Among other things, BIS will expand the licensing controls in Section 744.21 to restrict not only "military end uses" in the PRC, but now also Jan 21, 2021 The Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) of the U.S. Department of Changes to section 744.21of the EAR; Military end-users; License review Jan 27, 2021 § 744.21; Expands restrictions on the export of constituent materials to produce certain chemical and biological weapons; Expands the definition Jul 1, 2020 The rule, which was issued on April 28, 2020, broadens Part 744.21 of scheduled to take effect – BIS issued 32 Frequently Asked Questions Mar 8, 2021 BIS added Burma to the list of countries subject to 'military end use' and 'military end user' (MEU) restrictions under § 744.21 of the EAR. Subject: § 744.21 Restrictions on certain 'military end use' or 'military end user' in 1 See 8 “Military end-use” is defined in EAR § 744.21 as (i) incorporation into a military Dec 29, 2020 BIS also added more than sixty other entities to the Entity List from Bulgaria, Under the authority of another section of the EAR, § 744.21, BIS May 20, 2020 BIS Significantly Tightens Controls, Broadens License Requirements Section 744.21 to the License Requirements sections of each ECCN.
23, 2020), available here.
Currently, Section 744.21 of the EAR prohibits the export, reexport, or transfer of certain items subject to the EAR to China, Russia, or Venezuela without a license if a party has “knowledge,” 2 or is informed by BIS, that the item in question will be exported, reexported, or transferred for a “military end use” in China or for a “military end user” or “military end use” in Under § 744.21(b)(1) of the EAR, BIS may designate entities subject to this additional prohibition under paragraph (b) that have been determined by the ERC to be a `military end user' pursuant to § 744.21. These entities will be added to supplement no. 7 to part 744 (`Military End-User' (MEU) List) in Federal Register notices published by BIS. Specifically, § 744.21 of the EAR requires a license from BIS for any exports, reexports, or in-country transfers (1) to China, Russia, or Venezuela, (2) where a listed MEU entity is the purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, or end-user, and (3) that involve items subject to the EAR that are described in an Export Control Classification Number (“ECCN”) identified in Summary. Adding to the challenges of implementing the expanded military end use/end user rule in Part 744.21 of the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”), restrictions on transactions involving military-intelligence end uses and military-intelligence end users are set to go into effect on March 16, 2021. Under §744.21(b)(1) of the EAR, BIS may designate entities subject to this additional prohibition under paragraph (b) that have been determined by the ERC to be a ‘military end user’ pursuant to §744.21. These entities will be added to supplement no.