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Citrix App Layering and WEM Administration - Arrow

We are well into the “nice to have” components of Citrix. This brings is to Citrix Workspace Environment Manager, one of the real powerhouses in the Citrix admins arsenal. So, what is WEM, and why should I care Both of these profile management technologies can be configured to sit above the User Layer and capture the user profile changes before the data reaches it. Citrix UPM should in fact work straight out of the box. Just configure the settings in Citrix Studio, GPO or WEM and all should be well. However using Citrix Workspace Environment Manager users are able to pin apps to the start menu.

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Its actually pointed out some old configurations that I made to overcome problems, but forgot to remove after patches went in. I didnt really notice this until I upgraded the console and all my agents reported as unhealthy UPM is not working until we right click on the agent in Wem Admin Console and select "Reset Profile Management Settings". If we don't do this new users get a local profile and UPM is not working, this is verified with UPM logging. This has to be done after every reboot. Environment, XenDesktop and PVS all on 7.15 CU3, WEM version 1811.0.1.1. I am seeing a couple of issues with WEM. 1.

Citrix App Layering and WEM Administration, Arrow ECS

User Interface: Start Menu. In order to enable the Profile Container feature in “full” management mode, simply configure it as follows:- Obviously, you need to set the Profile Management feature to “Enabled” and configure a path for the user’s store! The Profile Containers will be put in a subfolder of the store path called “ProfileContainer\ OS “.

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Wem citrix profile management settings

Common Control Panel applets.

Wem citrix profile management settings

Its actually pointed out some old configurations that I made to overcome problems, but forgot to remove after patches went in. I didnt really notice this until I upgraded the console and all my agents reported as unhealthy UPM is not working until we right click on the agent in Wem Admin Console and select "Reset Profile Management Settings". If we don't do this new users get a local profile and UPM is not working, this is verified with UPM logging.
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Wem citrix profile management settings

Check for “Enable Profile Management” under Computer\Profile Management\Basic Settings; Did you include Administrators? 2018-05-21 · This feature was announced in the WEM session; however, this is a Citrix Profile Management Solution, and does not require WEM to be in play for the feature to be consumed. The containers will be created and managed by UPM as part of the user’s profile, and appears logically to be a combination of the new “Large file handling” feature of UPM and brand-new functionality built into the By default, WEM CPU Management excludes all of the most common Citrix and Windows core service processes. This is because they make the environment run and they need to make their own decisions about how much CPU time & priority they need. WEM administrators can however, add processes they want to exclude from Spikes Protection to the list.

Newer Profile Management features requires newer Virtual Delivery Agents (VDA). 2017-06-27 2018-12-01 2019-03-13 Citrix UPM Settings allows you to integrate WEM with Universal Profile Management, configuring UPM from the WEM Administration Console. Note that some options only work with specific versions of UPM based on new or retired options.
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Now, some have mentioned that 2004 is not listed as a supported version for 2009 UPM, but the Citrix documentation says precisely this “Citrix Profile Management supports the latest version of Windows 10 available at the release time of Profile Management”. Citrix UPM Settings allows you to integrate WEM with Universal Profile Management, configuring UPM from the WEM Administration Console. Note that some options only work with specific versions of UPM based on new or retired options.

Citrix App Layering and WEM Administration, Arrow ECS

WEM does not have profile management included, but it is integrating with other profile management products. For historical reasons, probably, the solutions of Microsoft (UE-V), Citrix Profile Management, and the old VMware Persona Settings are included. I guess Citrix will only focus on Citrix Profile Management for the upcoming versions. Citrix UPM Settings allows you to integrate WEM with Universal Profile Management, configuring UPM from the WEM Administration Console. Note that some options only work with specific versions of UPM based on new or retired options. I have done numerous Citrix Workspace Environment Manager (WEM) deployments in the past but never did I think about once doing a blog post on it yet.

This has to be done after every reboot. Environment, XenDesktop and PVS all on 7.15 CU3, WEM version 1811.0.1.1. I am seeing a couple of issues with WEM. 1. Citrix Profile Management settings do not work unless you restart the service before a user logs on (I’m seeing this on a Windows 7 VDA).