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Reddit, in its earlier days, was never dominated by the Voat contingent. They were there, but they  Jul 13, 2015 Reddit has made the headlines last week, but not in a good way. Internal issues have started to spill over and caused many users to leave the  Apr 6, 2020 Popular web content aggregation website and meme breeding ground Reddit doesn't go down too often but if it ever does and you're worried  On Monday, Reddit banned thousands of subreddits including The_Donald, a conservative community of nearly 800000 members accused of inciting violence,   Jul 17, 2015 As social-news site Reddit tries to clean up its act by limiting some speech, an alternative springs up, promising to be more freewheeling. Jun 11, 2015 Reddit banned multiple hate groups Wednesday, sparking a revolt. A large and vocal group of angry redditors is staging a misogynistic  Mar 17, 2015 Fascinating. This reminds me of updn, an open source HN/Digg/reddit-style app that uses bitcoins, with some interesting discussion with Digg's  Jul 9, 2015 GETTY • REDDITSome 220000 Redditors have now called for interim CEO Ellen Pao to RESIGN from Reddit Voat – a Swiss rival to hugely  Jun 11, 2015 Swiss-based Voat provides a more hospitable environment for haters after Reddit's ban on subreddits that actively promote harassment. Jan 9, 2016 Hi, If you're curious about free culture there is discussion and examples on voat and reddit.

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“  Voat e än så länge bara en kille med ett par servrar. Oxå, flera andra Reddit-alternativ e under konstruktion just nu, och det finns en chans att Pao avgår/får  Om Poddtoppen | Om Podcast | Cookies. Topplistorna hämtas med hjälp av iTunes. Eli the Computer Guy. VOAT IS DEAD - Reddit Clone FAILED. Avsnitt  Dec 12, 2016 - Browser - Brave.com Facebook - Seen.life Reddit - Voat.co Search - GoodGopher.com Twitter - Gab.ai Wikipedia - infogalactic.com YouTube  Ansvarsfriskrivning: The podcast and artwork embedded on this page are from Eli the Computer Guy, which is the property of its owner and not affiliated with or  Voat Inc. var en nyhetsläsare och sociala nätverk , liknande Reddit , där registrerade medlemmar kan skicka innehåll såsom text inlägg och  Voat Inc / v oʊ t / var en amerikansk alt-tech nyhetssamlare och sociala nätverk där Enligt Wired var Voat "estetiskt och funktionellt lik Reddit . Reddit/Voat Image Hover Zoom.

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Frat bröderna var förmodligen utsatta för viruset på bungalows eftersom det är där de helt stannade för på till lägsta grad 1 teen pussy sex pic Nox medan alla  Amusingly enough, även / r / buttcoin (en subreddit som parodierar Bitcoin och pokes kul Voat, i jämförelse med Reddit, fokuserar på integritet och har en mer  Många av nedanlistade alternativ har startats som en motreaktion mot Facebook eller twitter, och tanken är ofta att bygga en plattform som inte  Vad säger forskningen? Flera högerextrema internetkändisar och grupper har sett sina sociala mediekonton på plattformar som Youtube,  Subreddit för att uppmärksamma rasistiska, sexistiska och allmänt idiotiska kommentarer en kan så ofta hitta på svenska subs. Vi vill på ett avslappnat vis belysa  Den cattish programmet Crataegus laevigata ta antiophthalmic faktor annat namn på din elektroniska dator för att ta i de senast installerade program du sätter  DNs Hugo Ewald följer upp om Milo Yiannopoulos klagan, som vi hade uppe häromdagen.

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Voat reddit

Plandokumenten kan läsas här. Top View. Ofrivilligt celibat är tillståndet hos en vuxen person som inte har någon kärleksrelation eller har haft samlag med någon, när det är av andra  Tillbaka 2011 publicerade Andrew Breitbart - före hans otydliga död - tweets angående John Podesta, Hillary Clintons kampanjordförande. För de oinsatta så handlar hela grejen om att en journalist/"journalist" på Gawker hotat med att publicera identiteten på en moderator på reddit  Nej. Det är uppenbart att majoriteten av de som röstar på den sajten sympatiserar med Sverigedemokraterna. Det syns i de poäng som  DN. DEBATT 201125. Synen på Kina är i dag sämre i Sverige än i något annat europeiskt land. Två tredjedelar av svenskarna har en negativ.

Voat reddit

It’s a huge transformation for Voat to make. Reddit. Reddit (stylized in its logo as reddit) is an American social news aggregation, web content … Reddit alternative Voat shut down on Christmas Day, citing a lack of operational funding, and casting doubt on the abilities of other similar almost-anything-goes, "free speech" platforms to stay The Reddit clone Voat has reportedly been contacted by a “US agency” about threats being made on the censorship-free website, according to its founder Justin Chastain. Voat, a controversial Reddit clone that hosted “politically incorrect” content and conspiracy theories like QAnon, has been shut down by its owner due to a lack of funds. Reddit is ranked 1st while Voat is ranked 4th. The most important reason people chose Reddit is: Where many of the current remote job boards are specifically for employees looking to apply to positions, reddit is a good place to post "for hire" ads and allow the employers to contact you. 2015-06-16 Voat.co was another social networking website supporting free speech and goes offline today on Christmas.
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Voat reddit

More than a decade after its founding, Reddit is getting a new look. The popular news agitator and discussion forum has Reddit AMAs are "Ask me anything" forums where one user hosts the forum and others ask any question of the host. Anyone can host one.

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They're marine invertebrate filter feeders that will probably end up in a Tim Burton film at some point." Via Reddit/Facebook. – popular memes on the site ifunny.

Voat was a bastion of free expression and meritocraticly oriented scrutinization. Reddit is a heavily monetized, heavily moderated, heavily censored, corporate imposter. Reply 2015-06-19 · Switzerland-based Reddit clone Voat has had its servers closed down and contracts terminated less than two weeks after reporting a surge in signups following a clampdown in online harassment by Other Reddit users drew attention to this discussion and the r/jailbait forum was subsequently closed by Reddit administrators on 11 October 2011. Critics, such as r/jailbait's creator, disputed claims that this thread was the basis of the decision, instead claiming it was an excuse to close down a controversial subreddit due to recent negative media coverage.