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Software Test Automation - Aktuellt konsultuppdrag - Altius
Whether you are student starting out, home maker, re-entering career after a break, non-IT job holder, manual tester or developer download our case-study document that will give you a good understanding to move in the direction of Software Developer in Test. Test Automation accelerates Software Testing process to run alongside Software Development. As the development team receives feedback quicker and more regularly, bugs are identified and fixed sooner. This allows for shorter release cycles, higher quality software, and brings you one step closer to meeting user expectations. Test automation is a term used in software testing and some other kinds of IT related testing or quality assurance.
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2020-07-01 TestAutomationU. 2,056 likes · 17 talking about this · 1 was here.
Med dig i centrum! C.A.G Senseus är ett framgångsrikt konsultbolag där vi fokuserar på Dig! Vårt testteam fortsätter att växa och nu söker vi ännu fler specailister inom testautomation för spännande konsultuppdrag. Har du stort intresse för testautomatisering, gillar konsultrollen och omväxl Testautomation i agila projekt Helena Lind Prolore Process, Organisation och Utbildning inom Testautomation, Prestandatest och Testmanagement 2 Lediga jobb - Systemtestare.