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China customs statistics trade data. The Henschel Hs 117 Schmetterling (German for Butterfly) was a radio-guided German surface-to-air missile project developed during World War II.There was also an air-to-air version, the Hs 117H. The operators used a telescopic sight and a joystick to guide the missile by radio control, which was detonated by acoustic and photoelectric proximity fuses, at 10–20 m (33–66 ft). HS-3275 (07-17) Page 1 of 12 Tennessee Department of Human Services Child Care Agency Emergency Preparedness Plan Template In consultation with local authorities and local emergency management, child care agencies shall develop a written multi-hazard plan to protect children in the event of emergencies as required by T.C.A. § 71-3-517. Engag em nt Plan Birmingham 201 9 CS1062 a Ke pi ng you infor med We are commi tted to k ee ping y o u info rmed ab ut wo rk n HS2.T his inc ludes e nu ring yo u know wh atto xpect a nd wh en to it, as w ll ho w w e can h lp.
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