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View Ville Hannukainen’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Ville has 5 jobs listed on their profile. See the complete profile on LinkedIn and discover Ville’s connections and jobs at similar companies. KPMG is currently seeking an Audit Senior Associate to join our Audit practice. Responsibilities: Execute the day-to-day activities of audit engagements including Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registrants and supporting the execution of a high-quality audit

Just nu söker vi för PwC´s räkning juniora revisorer/audit associates till Lön Fast månads- vecko- eller timlön. Arbetsplats Adecco Sweden AB  För att få ut mesta möjliga lön gör så här! Audit Associate | Timisoara 22 mars, 2021. KPMG - Timişoara, Timiş - Scurta descriere a companiei Why KPMG?