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How GOOD was Hitmontop ACTUALLY? - History of Hitmontop in
We have 2 builds for This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path! Hydreigon is a powerful wallbreaker thanks to STAB-boosted Draco Meteor and a solid coverage option in Earth Power. Draco Meteor Choice Scarf Krookodile is one of the most reliable Pursuit trappers and revenge killers in UU! Its typing and boosted Speed allow it to deeply trouble prominent threats such as Latias, Starmie, Se hela listan på Hola, Bienvenidos a PokeSets Krookodile - Análisis, Estrategia y Guía -*****FriendCode: 4554- Krookodile - Intimidation Pokémon; No. Height Weight; 553 4'11" (1.5 m) 212.3 lbs. (96.3 kg) Pokédex entry Its unique faculty of sight can detect small prey more than 30 miles away, even in the midst of a sandstorm. 砂嵐でも 50キロ先に いる 小さな 獲物も 発見する 特殊な 両目を 持つ。 Se hela listan på krookodile weakness; krookodile smogon; krookodile evolution; krookodile stats; krookodile shiny; krokodil; Linked Keywords. Images for Krookodile By Glassesgator On I made this video for all the Pokemon and Krookodile fans ..In this video u can see Krookodile vs Dragonite , Krookodile vs Liepard , Krookodile vs Meloetta Good bulk and Speed alongside a great STAB combination make Krookodile an excellent Stealth Rock setter in UU! Krookodile can utilize Knock Off against foes like Galarian Weezing, which relies The Isle of Armor DLC brought Tauros to RU, a fearsome wallbreaker that boasts a high Attack and Speed stat with vast coverage options! With Tauros's ability Sheer Force and Life Orb, Body Slam Su buen typing le proporciona una excelente cobertura entre sus ataques STAB Krookodile também pode sofrer um pouco com sua Speed tier, que, apesar de Krookodile @ Choice Scarf Ability: Intimidate EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe Jolly Nature - Knock Off - Earthquake - Pursuit - Stone Edge Special or mixed attackers such as Keldeo, Kyurem-B, Garchomp, and Mega Lucario are excellent options for this.
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Welcome to a OU Showdown live where we will be using a Choice Band Krookodile team in the Sun and Moon OU Tier! This Krookodile moveset is a big threat in th Krookodile has high base Attack as well as remarkable base Speed. However due to its typing it has several weaknesses while only 2 resistances. Krookodile is known as the Bully of the Sands. While aggressive by nature, Krookodile is patient enough to bury itself underneath the sand and wait for prey to pass by.
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Shield While terribly aggressive, Krookodile also has the patience to stay hidden under sand for … Krookodile’s best bet is to try and predict the switch in with Earthquake and hope for the best. Mega Aggron: Mega Aggron gets Filter and a huge 230 Base Defense stat.
Episode 36 - Mossdeep Massacre – Blast Burn Radio A
Abilities: Intimidate - Moxie - Anger Point (Hidden Ability): Intimidate: Upon entering battle, the opponent’s Attack lowers one stage.In a Double Battle, both opponents’ Attack are lowered. Pokémon with the Clear Body, Hyper Cutter, or White Smoke ability are unaffected. Smogon University July 22, 2019 · With its STAB combination and coverage options boosted by Nasty Plot, Celebi stands as a large threat to bulkier UU teams, particularly with Aerodactyl, Alolan Muk, and Nihilego removed.
After that he power trips with 120 BP stab boosted attack, and not only that, he gains extra Attack boosts for every kill with moxie. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path! Hy dreigon is a powerful wallbreaker thanks to STAB-boosted Draco Meteor and a solid coverage option in Earth Power. Draco Meteor dents walls like Zapdos and Mandibuzz. Earth Power is used to reliably damage Pokemon that tank Draco Meteor like Heatran and Tapu Koko. 1 Uber 2 OU 3 BL 4 UU 5 RU Aegislash Arceus (all forms) Blaziken Darkrai Deoxys Deoxys-Attack Deoxys-Defense Deoxys-Speed Dialga Genesect Gengar-Mega Giratina Giratina-Origin Groudon Groudon-Primal Ho-Oh Kangaskhan-Mega Kyogre Kyogre-Primal Kyurem-White Landorus Lucario-Mega Lugia Lunala Mewtwo Palkia Rayquaza Reshiram Salamence-Mega Shaymin-Sky Solgaleo Xerneas Yveltal Zekrom …
Strive to become the next Champion of the Galar region with this exciting new adventure introducing brand new Pokemon! During your adventure, you will be traveling through the Galar region, where you will find many unique locations, such as huge grassy plains …
Krookodile's egg groups: Field The egg moves for Krookodile are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with.
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In Generation 5, Krookodile has a base Defense of 70. In Generation 5, Krookodile has a base experience yield of 229. In Generations 5-7, Krookodile has a base Friendship value of 70.
Of these, Krookodile has a better typing, STAB attacks, and overall base stats. Intimidate is one of the best abilities in VGC 2011 because it lowers the Attack of both opposing Pokemon.
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Although, going Utility (or just full gimmick at this point), 2018-07-06 Basically krookodile holds a weakness policy and when u turn hits him, he raises his stats by quite a bunch and further boosts it using scale shot. After that he power trips with 120 BP stab boosted attack, and not only that, he gains extra Attack boosts for every kill with moxie. This scary, three-headed Pokémon devours everything in its path! Hy dreigon is a powerful wallbreaker thanks to STAB-boosted Draco Meteor and a solid coverage option in Earth Power.
Episode 37 - Saving the World – Blast Burn Radio A Pokemon
364tn. How GOOD was Hitmonlee ACTUALLY? - History of Hitmonlee in Competitive Pokemon With the ability to fulfill many roles, Krookodile is a big threat in the UnderUsed metagame and is capable of fitting onto multiple team archetypes. Its great typing gives it excellent coverage between its STAB attacks as well as key immunities to Psychic- and Electric-type attacks and four helpful resistances.
Let's Go Pikachu/Let's Go Eevee and Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield on Nintendo Switch. The photos you provided may be used to improve Bing image processing services. If you ask smogon I think snorlax would solo all of these mons except maybe banded krookodile. 3. Share.