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/. /. jump to other results. extremely important, because it will affect other things synonym critical, essential a crucial factor/issue/decision topics of crucial importance The next few weeks are going to be crucial.
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Engelska Ungerska; crucial adjective [UK: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] [US: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] kritikus melléknév. válságos melléknév Definition of crucial in the Fine Dictionary. Meaning of crucial with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of crucial and its etymology.
Synonymer till important - Engelskt lexikon och ordbok
4. the condition of being different; difference: the distinction between talk and action. In July mean temperatures range from 15.4 °C (59.7 °F) in Ai-Petri to 23.4 °C (74.1 °F) in the central parts of Crimea to 24.4 °C (75.9 °F) in Myskhor.
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What does crucial mean? Proper usage and audio pronunciation (plus IPA phonetic transcription) of the word crucial.
Oversettelse for 'crucial' i den engelsk-norske ordboken og mange andre norske oversettelser - helt gratis. Hi everyone! Can someone explain what is the meaning of sentence "upp och hoppa". I met this sentence more times when I was watching the movies from …
Moreover, some characteristics of the media portrayals leave room for interpretation, calling for research on the meanings ascribed to metaphors of addiction in
A very important person or personage (VIP or V.I.P.) is a person who is accorded special Usually, VIP tickets can be purchased by anyone, but still meaning separation from other customers, Simple English · Српски / srpski &
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döntő fontosságú melléknév. crucial point [UK: … Adjective. Frequency: comparative more crucial, superlative most crucial. Being essential or decisive for determining the outcome or future of something; extremely important.
crucial (essential) adjective [UK: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] [US: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] nélkülözhetetlen melléknév. crucial (important) adjective [UK: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] [US: ˈkruːʃ.l̩] fontos melléknév. döntő fontosságú melléknév. crucial point [UK: …
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(adjective) An example of crucial is info Crucial definition, involving an extremely important decision or result; decisive; critical: a crucial experiment. See more. Crucial definition is - important, significant. How to use crucial in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of crucial.
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The report cites extensive research to demonstrate areas where the Swedish Develop a uniform interpretation of important terms which underpins the Shire Sverige | Vasagatan 7 | 111 20 Stockholm | Tel: 08-544 964 00 | info.sweden@shire.com | www.shiresverige. Communicative and Critical Health Literacy Scales. and 95 (42.0 %) female, mean age 51.8±17.9 years.
Meaning of crucial with illustrations and photos. Pronunciation of crucial and its etymology. Related words - crucial synonyms, antonyms, hypernyms and hyponyms. Definition of crucial adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. We use cookies to enhance your experience on our website, including to provide targeted advertising and track usage.