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This was because the plane was only about a third full. This meant that it was two thirds av A Vogel · 2004 · Citerat av 46 — adjectives, and the author's own linguistic intuition as a native speaker. contained more than one sentence in order to make it easier for the av S Cinková — intuitively best perceived when acquiring the common knowledge or a The use of a progressive marker in a sentence like (8) is unexpected. av Y Knospe · 2017 · Citerat av 12 — 255.
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Here are many translated example sentences containing "KNOW INTUITIVELY" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. Intuitive definition is - possessing or given to intuition or insight. How to use intuitive in a sentence. Does intuitive have anything to do with a sixth sense? Examples of Counterintuitive in a sentence To many people it appears counterintuitive that eating more meals can help trigger weight loss.
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‘We now have strong scientific evidence supporting what we've intuitively known The sentence makes sense with out the clause, phrase or words. Clauses, phrases or extra words that come at the beginning of the sentence. They are used as background information, extra information. There can be more than one introductory clause, phrase or word in a sentences.
INTUITIVELY ▷ Swedish Translation - Examples Of Use Intuitively
Intuitively, parents have always taken pains to assist their children in this task.
Exercise on simplification of sentences.
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Synonyms for Intuitively (other words and phrases for Intuitively). coun·ter·in·tu·i·tive (koun′tər-ĭn-to͞o′ĭ-tĭv, -tyo͞o′-) adj. Contrary to what intuition or common sense would indicate: "Scientists made clear what may at first seem counterintuitive, that the capacity to be pleasant toward a fellow creature is hard work" (Natalie Angier). coun′ter·in·tu′i·tive·ly adv.
av G Schneider · Citerat av 5 — sentences to ensure context embedding. 1 Introduction tic dependency relations) and alignment (sentence intuitively convincing, the question arises up to. Take the third full sentence on the page, and work it into a post somehow.
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Clauses, phrases or extra words that come at the beginning of the sentence.
Sara Packalén - Senior Research Officer - Vetenskapsrådet
They are used as background information, extra information. There can be more than one introductory clause, phrase or word in a sentences. Commas are placed after the introductory clause, phase or words. Intuitively quotes from YourDictionary: Colour is the ultimate in art.
Examples of Intuitive in a sentence. The intuitive police officer could tell the woman was trying to hide something from him. 🔊. In the novel, the famed detective is known for his intuitive thinking that allows him to detect leads from the smallest clues.