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How to use Underwent in a sentence? View Underwent usage in sample sentences. But the greatest danger I ever underwent in that kingdom was from a monkey, who belonged to one of the clerks of the kitchen. GULLIVER'S TRAVELS JONATHAN SWIFT And it certainly seemed to me that Sangree's face underwent a sudden and visible alteration. THREE MORE JOHN SILENCE STORIES ALGERNON BLACKWOOD Examples of how to use the word underwent in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.
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High quality example sentences with “underwent a similar shift” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English underwent pronunciation. How to say underwent. Listen to the audio pronunciation in English. Learn more. For instance, if the CEO underwent a secret surgery and died on the table. You underwent surgery a few days ago for your liver. And since you just underwent surgery, you're very susceptible.
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THREE MORE JOHN SILENCE STORIES ALGERNON BLACKWOOD Examples of how to use the word underwent in a sentence. Definitions, synonyms and translations are also available.
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This is more correct: "She underwent surgery on Tuesday.
Undergo. (verb) This conception of the Sabbath, however, necessarily underwent an important modification when the local sanctuaries were abolished under the "Deuteronomic" reform, and those sacrificial rites and feasts which in Hosea's time formed the essence of every act of religion were limited to the central altar, which most men could visit only at rare intervals. underwent translate: maruz kalmak' fiilinin geçmiş zaman hâli.
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Examples of Underwent in a sentence. After he underwent the risky surgery, the runner wasn’t able to exercise for a while. 🔊 The patient underwent an MRI to see if there is any existing brain damage.
past simple of undergo 2. past simple of undergo 3. past simple of undergo.
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UNDERWENT ▷ Swedish Translation - Examples Of Use
past simple of undergo.
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Simultaneously, the participants are required to judge the semantic All the participants underwent a hearing and vision screening in a room that had Tahni felt like she had been handed a prison sentence.
The law imposes a minimum sentence of five years in prison on repeat Jawhar relented and underwent the test the same day in Charles Repeating words in sentences: effects of sentence structure Visa detaljrik vy Thirty-five patients underwent vascularized lymph node transfer (19 groin and 16 See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. (PHOTO: FACEBOOK/WALT HEYER) WASHINGTON — A man who underwent a sex The test takers underwent another screening. Those who the stems, enough care was taken to choose as the context sentences which seemed to be the. They will be asked to write down the most effective sentence from the book. they are explaining the most unforgettable event they underwent as they grow up Sixteen aphasic subjects participated in the study, six of these underwent fMRI. The participants performed word generation and sentence and underwent a development quite similar to that of the theme in a of a Bach fugue, or from a sentence out of Leibniz or the Upanishads, Debbie also discusses the intense grieving process she underwent as a result of his long sentence and how his family now must live without him. Through her This sentence doesn't exist yet on