OIM filial till Obligo Investment Management AS - Allabolag


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Hyra MNOK 72. Andel av inv. Investment Officer och CEO för Obligo Investment Management AS. Innan Obligo jobbade han bland annat som Executive Director för UBS  Styret i Obligo Investment Management AS (Obligo), et datterselskap av Agasti Holding ASA (Agasti) har utnevnt Jørgen Pleym Ulvness som ny  Ledamot i Blackstone Real Estate Investment. Committee. Ledamot i Tidigare befattningar: Styrelseledamot i Obligo Holding AS. Oberoende: Han är att anse  Styrelseledamot. Fonder förvaltade av Obligo Investment Management.

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Bokslutsinformation: 2019/12 : 2018/12 : 2017/12 : Omsättning 44 806 Obligo, a U.S.-based fintech startup that’s focused on the real estate market, announced on Tuesday it raised $15.5 million Series A funding round from investors, including 83North, 10D, Entrée infrastructure investments. Obligo’s first infrastructure product - a 2007 vintage fund followed these lines of thoughts. As a new type of investment, concepts from other asset classes had to be borrowed to illustrate the risk & return spectrum. To simplify, investors classified infrastructure Giving an Obligo Billing Authorization enables qualified residents to keep their cash deposit, and only pay if their property manager submits a charge. Obligo Keeps You Safe Your property manager can only withdraw a limited amount, and unreasonable charges may be disputed, just like a normal deposit. You are here: Oim Filial Till Obligo Investment Management As - Sweden kompany is an official clearing house of the Republic of Austria (license granted / renewed on April 14th 2015) and is an official distributor of the European Business Register (EBR) (as per agreement dated July 27th 2012).

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Owners and managers use Obligo to simplify their move-in process, comply with changing regulatory landscapes, and make their listings more appealing to renters. As the only non-insurance deposit alternative, Obligo Investment Management AS - Förvaltning av investeringsfonder | Annan fondförvaltning.

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OIM filial till Obligo Investment Management AS,516411-2012 - På allabolag.se hittar du , styrelse, Status OIM filial till Obligo Investment Management AS,516411-2012 - På allabolag.se hittar du , styrelse, Status Advokatfirman Delphi har biträtt Obligo Investment Management AS när Hyresbostäder i Sverige II AB, som förvaltas av Obligo, sålde sex bostadsfastigheter i Norrköping.

Navexa Securities AB - Kungsgatan 8, Stockholm hitta.se

We found that English is the preferred language on Obligo Im pages. 2017-10-18 “This investment is a perfect seed portfolio for Areim Fund III. It is well aligned with our Fund’s strategy and with where we believe the investment market is headed”, commented Leif Andersson, Founder of Areim AB. The portfolio consists of ca 40 properties and ca 850,000 sqm. Vojkan Brankovic is Managing Partner at Obligo Investment Management AS. View Vojkan Brankovic’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. Trac Services AS, Postboks 120, 4001 Stavanger, Norway +47 21 49 90 70 kundesenter@tracs.no. Ditt namn. Din email. Ämne.

Please go to the investment company you own shares, to download reports. Name. Country. All, Norway, Sweden. Norway  Obligo is an Nordic investment, and asset management company located in Oslo and Stockholm.