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Kommissionens beslut EU 2019/701 av den 5 april 2019 om
Agardh) F. Schmitz. DESCRIZIONE. Talli cartilaginei, alti 5-20 cm, cilindrici, con apici. virgatus Kützing, especie que posteriormente fue asignada a Agardhiella tenera ( J.Ag.) Schmitz. A esta especie Kützing (1868) agregó T. elongatus (Kützing) del Agardhiella subulata.
Kommissionens beslut EU 2019/701 av den 5 april 2019 om
Toughness-low. Gigartina, Chondrus, Agardhiella.
Botanisk tidsskrift - Volym 9 - Sida 204 - Google böcker, resultat
Agardh) Schmitz of the Wes Agardh (1841) originally described G. tenera, he gave as its distribution the Atlantic Ocean along the southern coast of North America and the West Indies; when Agardhiella baileyi (Harvey ex Kützing) W. R. Taylor;. Agardhiella tenera (J. Agardh) F. Schmitz. DESCRIZIONE. Talli cartilaginei, alti 5-20 cm, cilindrici, con apici. virgatus Kützing, especie que posteriormente fue asignada a Agardhiella tenera ( J.Ag.) Schmitz.
1990-01-01 · EXPERIMENTAL Agardhiella tenera, Anatheca montagnei and Meristotheca senegalensis were collected along the Senegalese coast near Dakar during May-June 1987 and 1988. Powders of Euchema cottonii and E. spinosum from the Philippines were kindly provided by Sanofi Bio-Industrie, (Carentan, France). Extraction and fatty acid analyses. Evidence is presented to support the placement of Agardhiella tenera in Solieria (as S. tenera comb. nov.) for the reason that a large fusion cell is present in the center of the cystocarp.
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Pyropia tenera, also known as gim or nori, is a red algal species in the genus Pyropia. The specific name, tenera , means "delicate" and alludes to its small size.
is proposed, with N. baileyi as the type species. Summary The red alga, Agardhiella tenera was found to contain a glycoprotein which agglutinates mouse leukemia cells, L5178Y b u t n o t L1210. It also agglutinates guinea pig and rabbit erythrocytes, and has weak activity against human A, B and O, mouse, horse and sheep erythrocytes and hamster and mouse lymphocytes.
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Botaniska Notiser - Sida 204 - Google böcker, resultat
Haltung Agardhiella tenera (J.Agardh) F.Schmitz, 1897. Gigartina Among the marine algal collections of eastern Venezuela, a red alga with many features of Aqardhiella tenera (3.Ag.) Schmitz. (sensu 12) attracted my attention, Agardhiella Tenera A-2717 AGARDHIELLA SUBULATA. They are a gorgeous reddish purple, gelatinous alga that is extensively branched. It is one of the truly An ecological description of twelve collecting localities is given. A discussion of the differences between Agardhiella tenera (J.
Botaniska Notiser - Sida 204 - Google böcker, resultat
It is argued that A. baileyi , upon which the generic description of Agardhiella was based, is generically distinct from Solieria , and Neoagardhiella gen. nov.
20. Mosmann T. Rapid colorimetric Agardhiella tenera. Ahnfeltia spp. Endocladia muricata. Gelidium spp.