Malin Dahlström-arkiv - Nyheter Musik Band Spelningar
Forum - Betapet
GK. Gustaf Karlöf. Producers (3). Producer. EL. Elof Loelv.
Contributors. bodyfour, iwant2blv, vagdim. Ad. Niki And The Dove Malin Dahlström (tracks: A1 to C3, D2 to D3) Notes. Limited "Loser" edition pressed on clear vinyl. Gold "Loser" sticker on plastic wrap. Barcode and Other Identifiers. Barcode: 0 98787 09301 8Matrix / Runout (Side A Niki and the Dove: Composer : 2014 : Recess: Skrillex: Composer : 2012 : Instinct: Niki and the Dove: Producer, Art Direction, Design, Composer Find Malin Dahlström credit information on AllMusic AllMusic..
Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf Niki & the dovefår SKAP:s
The foundation for the collaboration is a profound love and respect for music that gives both members a hunger for the exploration of new music. Niki & The Dove är en svensk indietronica-duo från Stockholm, bildad i februari 2010.Musikduon består av sångerskan och producenten Malin Dahlström (musiker) och producenten Gustaf Karlöf. Malin Dahlström and Gustaf Karlöf form the duo Niki & The Dove, an acclaimed band with great respect for music that is noticeable in their exclusive mix tape for The Forumist.
Drummer - Credits - Muso.AI
Gustaf Karlöf and Malin Dahlström have been threatening to launch the latest offensive of striking Scandinavian pop on these NIKI AND THE DOVE Hon sjunger i den hajpade electropopduon som britterna fullständigt höjer till skyarna.
But a transition into their current incarnation, as well as a move to Stockholm, has led them to the release of Instinct (Sub Pop), their debut album as Niki & The Dove, which is due out this summer. For her part, Dahlström describes completing the record with something like melancholy. Explore releases from Niki & The Dove at Discogs.
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Barcode and Other Identifiers. Barcode: 0 98787 09301 8Matrix / Runout (Side A Niki and the Dove: Composer : 2014 : Recess: Skrillex: Composer : 2012 : Instinct: Niki and the Dove: Producer, Art Direction, Design, Composer Find Malin Dahlström credit information on AllMusic AllMusic..
Sets appears in: • NIKI & THE DOVE @Hollywood Palladium 10/30/12 . Groups appears in:
Niki and the Dove discography and songs: Music profile for Niki and the Dove, formed February 2010. Genres: Synthpop, Art Pop, Electropop.
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Jennie Abrahamson – Norrlandsoperan
DJ Isaac · DJ, Ease My Mind, 2012, Musik/ Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf är Niki & The Dove. FOTO: LARS PEHRSON.
Niki & The Dove nominerad i BBC:s Sound of 2011
Tags. och · med. Rösten är i fokus i denna utelämnande gåshudsballad som Malin Dahlström från internationellt hypade Niki & The Dove skrivit, som själva är aktuella med och Deportees och en massiv djupdykning i Kate Bush tillsammans med Göteborgssymfonikerna och Malin Dahlström (från Niki & the Dove). Se Malin Axelssons profil på LinkedIn, världens största yrkesnätverk. Malin har Göteborgs-baserade Malin Dahlström från Niki & The Dove står bakom den Själva har Malin Dahlström och Gustaf Karlöf det inte lika lätt att kategorisera sin musik. – En skitjobbig fråga vi ofta får är "beskriv er musik". Det Popular Malin Dahlström songs.
Niki & The Dove is a project from Sweden featuring singer-songwriter Malin Dahlström and producer Gustaf Karlöf.