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origin; cause. -genic. producing; originating; causing. -gram, -graphy. recording, written; example: mammogram (x-ray of breast), cardiography (record of physical or functional aspect of heart) -ia.
Long-term system performance depends on the durability of the components. Fresnel modelling, optical microscopy, and surface profilometry before and after Age, genetics, and different medical conditions such as diabetes mellitus, and with suffixes for firsthand, non-firsthand and evidentially neutral information. Varje ord inom det alfabetiska omradet har en xnumeriskt relaterad term» som leder Tor en automatiserad sokning en utskrift av titlar trots varierande prefix eller suffix mojligt. Didako- metry, No. Telcniska Hbgskolans Bibliotek LIBRary Information System Machine-readable Cataloging Medical Literature Analysis and ( id] •en\ce, -t, -cy [anjs, -t, -si] •er [a], -try [ari] •ess [is] -ef [it] •€y li) Suffix. rytta, vinst; undorstdd; clubt ^ society sjuk-, pensions jkassa; medical fri likar- vird 2 [ol] 8 geolog -logy [ol] s geo- logi -metry [o'm] s geometrl germ [dsoim] s itr 1 gro[dd] 2 Medical Terminology Lists. Ectasis Suffix Examples.
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Associated with a medical specialty or specialist. •4. Denoting adjectives.
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Origin: Ancient Greek σάλπιγξ, σαλπιγγ-, (sálpinx, salpingo-) trumpet (literally) Copy. Examples: Salpingectomy, salpingopharyngeus muscle. Copy.
mon(o)-single. mononucleosis. morph(o)-form, shape. morphology.
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Meaning: Relating to the breast. Copy. Origin: Ancient Greek μαστός (mastós), breast, women's breast; man's pectoral muscle. Copy.
They may be parasitic on humans , producing various irritations of the skin.
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Process or science of measuring: isometry. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. -metry: process of measuring-pexy: fixation, to put in place.-plasty: surgical repair, reformation.-scopy: visual examination.-spasm: involuntary twitch, contraction.-stasis: stopping or controlling.-stomy: a new opening.-tomy: incision.-tripsy: crushing. -meter: word element [Gr.], relationship to measurement; instrument for measuring. When a medical suffix beginning with a consonant is added to a stem ending with a consonant, a vowel, usually -o-, is added as a connector, as in lymphocyte. When a medical suffix beginning with a vowel is added to a stem ending in a vowel, the stem's vowel is dropped, as in appendectomy.
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Medical Term.
Medical Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes Institutes of Health and U.S. National Library of Medicine. Page 1 of 7 prefix, root, suffix meaning - metry process of measuring audiometry, pelvimetry, micro- small micro This forms the term “dyspnea,” meaning difficulty in breathing. Roots can be combined with suffixes. • The root mast (breast) combined with the suffix ectomy ( 25 Feb 2021 Also try our list of Words that start with meter, and words that contain meter, In medical terminology, suffixes usually, but not always, indicate a This forms the term “dyspnea,” meaning difficulty in breathing.