Denison Barbs Akvarium, Djur, Produkter - Pinterest
14 May 2019 Scalloped hammerheads were at the Nausicaá aquarium in the French port of Boulogne, near Calais. I'm thinking of using Torpedo Barbs as the dithers in my next setup. I assume you are talking about Puntius denisonii (Roseline Shark). 23 Feb 2012 I currently have a school of 6 roseline sharks, 1 black ghost knife and 2 bristlenose plecos I would like to start keeping discuss from what I 11 মার্চ 2011 The Roseline Shark was recorded from an aquarium shop in Dhaka city (Galib, 2010).
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Adult Size. 4.5 in/ 11 cm. Lifespan. 4-5 years. Tank Size. Red-line Torpedo Barb 'Denison's barb', 'denisoni barb', 'Denison's flying fox', ' rose line shark', 'bleeding-eye barb', 'red flash barb', and 'Indian flasher barb'.
30 Mar 2021 The Roseline Sharks have an elongated torpedo-shaped body. For this reason, they are also known as torpedo barb. The body color is silver The Roseline Shark, also called Denison's Barb or Red-lined Torpedo Barb, is a shoaling fish, so you can add a Hello everyone, Can Denison Barbs/Roseline sharks be kept with Silver Arowana, Golden Pearl Arowana, Severums?
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The Roseline Shark is also known as Denison Barb, Roseline Torpedo Barb and Redline Torpedo Barb. These fish can reach 5 inches long> They prefer a temperature range of 60-77 degrees F, but can tolerate up to low 80s. Best kept in schools of 4 to 6, and should be kept in a covered aquarium as they do have the ability to jump from the aquarium. Roseline Shark is torpedo-shaped and is quite colorful when the aquarium is well lighted.
The Denison barb, Denison's barb, Miss Kerala, red-line torpedo barb, or roseline shark (Sahyadria denisonii) is an endangered species of cyprinid fish endemic to the fast-flowing hill streams and rivers of the Western Ghats in India. The roselines prefer a tank with a decent current, which will highly oxygenate the water.
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This led to the increased popularity of the fish species.
The Roseline Shark (AKA the Torpedo Barb… AKA Denison’s Barb) is not terribly picky in terms of husbandry, and most foods will be eaten with gusto. Note that a diet high in carotenoids like astaxanthin will help to bring out the sumptuous ruddy tones. The Gold Roseline Shark is also known as Gold Denison Barb, Gold Roseline Torpedo Barb and Gold Redline Torpedo Barb.
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Saltvattenakvarium. Planted Aquarium. Exotiska Fiskar. Akvariefisk.
Denison Barb - Puntius denisonii 2021 - Hus - Nc to do
Description. This hard to find shark is actually a barb. Beautiful in person no picture can do this fish justice. RoseLine Shark 3"-4" (Puntius Denisonii) (fwf odd redline barb) Fish Size: Common name: Denison barb, Red-lined torpedo barb, Rose line shark. Scientific name: Puntius denisonii. Origin: Endemic to India. Found in Chaliar, Kallada, Chalakkudipuzha, Aralam wildlife sanctuary, Mundakayam, the Kallar river and Travancore hill ranges.
Note that a diet high in carotenoids like astaxanthin will help to bring out the sumptuous ruddy tones. The Roseline Shark really lives up to the demand, this beautiful species goes by many names like the torpedo Barb, Denison barb, redline barb and the red-line torpedo barb, which is a name that I prefer to use originating in the waterways of South India, fish species was once named the world’s best newly discovered aquarium fish and from then on its global demand skyrocketed, the species Derbyshire Koi & Aquatics | Online Koi and Tropical Fish In this video I have tried doing a species profile of Denison barb. I have also shared some of my own experience with these beautiful fish. Roseline Sharks (2Inches) $ 2,499.00 $ 19.99-99%.