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With over 350 branch locations throughout the United States, Securitas is the most locally-focused security company in the country. Securitas ist global präsent, beschäftigt 370.000 Mitarbeiter in 59 Ländern und Regionen und erwirtschaftete 2018 einen Umsatz von 9,87 Mrd. Euro. Die drei grundlegenden Werte von Securitas sind: Ehrlichkeit, Aufmerksamkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft. Securitas delivers world-class electronic security solutions, priority service response and full project deliveries to maintain a security program that is customized to the client’s unique requirements and standardized to meet local and global needs.
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Create a Career with SES Securitas Electronic Security, Inc. (SES) is a division of Securitas AB, the largest protective services provider in the world with over 370,000+ Securitas Heroes across the world.
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Attracting the best With our competitive salaries, great working conditions and opportunities for training and career development, we are always on the lookout for the best in Securitas UK. At Securitas, our people are the most important. They come from all walks of life and bring with them a multitude of talents and perspectives. We aim for diverse representation throughout the company, and we stay committed to equal pay, safe working conditions, gender balance and an inclusive work environment. 75 recensioner från nuvarande och tidigare anställda på Securitas om karriärmöjligheter, företagskultur, löner, förmåner, ledning med mera. 115 lediga jobb som Securitas på Ansök till Flygplatskontrollanter, Ronderande Stationär Väktare Semestervikarier, Väktare Behovsanställning Rond Sommar med mera!