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It’s hard to escape the impression that it was designed from the ground up on a power amplifier chassis. I’ve had a PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium pre-amp and HP for a year of heavy listening (8-12 hours per day) everyday. About two months ago I added a second HP to mono-block into ATC SCM-19V2s. I rolled the EL34s to KT150s even though the EL34s sounded great the KT150s sound phenomenal at whatever volume level I am listening. So the center channel (Academy) and the sub (R12SW) are powered by the Marantz but the front channel (Forte III's) is powered by the PrimaLuna.

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Filters. search. Sidebar April 2020 · Write a comment · Categories: Amplifiers, Hifi Reviews · Tags: amplifier, amplifiers, hi fi reviews, hifi reviews, Valve Amplifier, valve amplifier reviews Distributed in the UK by Absolute Sounds and costing £2698, the Prima Luna Evo200 Integrates amplifier offers a great deal of versatility in that output tubes can be swapped out from the supplied EL34s. There are tube integrated amplifiers that offer more power and more finesse, but they all cost a lot more than the $2,295 the EVO 100 will set you back. This amplifier is so good, you can start with a budget pair of speakers, yet grow up to a $5,000-ish pair of speakers and not feel like you need another amplifier. That’s value.

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Okay, I admit it—I read Jim Hannon's review of the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Two integrated tube amplifier in the October 2007 issue of The Absolute Sound  Original box and packing. User manual; Valve Cage. Full Review : here. A one owner ProLogue Classic Integrated from PrimaLuna.

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Prima luna amplifier

” — VADE FORRESTER, THE ABSOLUTE SOUND Upscale Audio is proud to offer the entire line of award-winning PrimaLuna amplifiers.

Prima luna amplifier

PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube PrimaLuna. 14 131 gillar · 181 pratar om detta. PrimaLuna is a mondial brand of tube-electronics established in 2003 by Herman van den Dungen & PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Stereo/Mono Power Amplifier (EL34) $4,455; PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium Integrated Amplifier (EL34) 2021-03-15 · PrimaLuna EVO 100 Tube Integrated Amplifier: Reviewed and Recommended by Hi-Fi in the Czech Republic; Customer Review: PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Preamplifier; PrimaLuna EVO 400 Tube Preamplifier! Recommended Component 2021 by Stereophile Magazine. PrimaLuna EVO 300 Tube Integrated Amplifier – Mediaelectronics in Boortmeerbeek I tried the amplifier with my resident speakers, a pair of TAGA Harmony B-40 stand mounts and a pair Roksan K2 TR-5 speakers, which all sounded excellent with the Prima Luna DiaLogue HP amplifier, particularly so the Roksan speakers with their rather revealing ribbon tweeters. (The EVO 400 Tube Power Amplifier is pictured, above). Easy, right?
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Prima luna amplifier

Since 2003 our PrimaLuna Tube Amplifiers, Tube CD Players and Tube DAC receive raving reviews and Best Product Awards from renowned HiFi magazines from all over the world!

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V-Caps are highly acclaimed capacitors for use in speaker  “ The PrimaLuna Evo 100 is an attractive, well-made DAC with powerful dynamics, oodles of detail, and a warm, enjoyable tone. . .At its price, it’s a remarkably good value, and is very highly recommended. If I had $3000 to spend on a DAC, the PrimaLuna Evo 100 would be at the top of my short list. ” — VADE FORRESTER, THE ABSOLUTE SOUND Upscale Audio is proud to offer the entire line of award-winning PrimaLuna amplifiers.

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44W/Channel Tube Power Amplifier. Amplifiers (Integrated) PrimaLuna EVO 300 Integrated $ 3,999.00.

No more excuses….enter PrimaLuna. Designed with the single goal of no fuss, high quality valved based amplification that delivers big on sound. The PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP integrated amplifier not only dishes up some of the best sound we’ve heard at any price, it’s beautifully crafted and well thought out in terms of functionality. If you’ve ever been on the fence about trying a tube amplifier, look no further.