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Snabb leverans! Energidryck är ett alternativ för dig som behöver en extra boost, under träningen eller i vardagen. 2021-01-03 · Celsius is promoted as a fitness drink that provides you with the healthy energy you need to complement your active lifestyle. The brand claims that its drinks are free of sugar, fat and preservatives. CELSIUS stands out against other brands because it’s made with healthier ingredients such as ginger, guarana, green tea and 7 essential vitamins. Our drinks contain no sugar, no aspartame, no high fructose corn syrup, and no artificial preservatives, colors, or flavors. CELSIUS is certified gluten free, kosher, and non-GMO.

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2020-09-24 The CELSIUS brand, founded in 1998 (Belgium), has more than 2 460 sister brands and more than 20 596 competing brands. The CELSIUS brand is owned by Johnson & Johnson , a company listed in New York.

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