Vad innebär MOSS, Mini One Stop Shop? -
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EU-Regelung. Sie können die EU-Regelung in Anspruch nehmen, wenn Sie grenzüberschreitende Telekommunikations-, Fernseh- und Rundfunk- oder digitale Dienste an Verbraucher in allen EU-Ländern erbringen, außer VAT MOSS is a way of paying VAT if your business supplies certain digital services to other EU countries. A change in the law that was brought in on 1 January 2015 means that you now have to pay VAT based on the country where the customer bought your product, not the country the seller is based in. Se hela listan på UK businesses selling digital services to the EU must therefore use the Non-Union VAT MOSS scheme.
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Back to homepage Back to top. VIES (VAT Information Exchange System):Kontroll av momsregistreringsnummer. As of 01/01/2021, the VoW service to validate UK (GB) VAT numbers ceased to exist while a new service to validate VAT numbers of businesses operating under the Protocol on Ireland and Northern Ireland appeared. These VAT numbers are starting with the “XI” prefix, which may Företag som är registrerade utanför EU och som säljer till privatkunder inom EU kan välja att momsregistrera sig i valfritt EU-land och få ett EU-identifikationsnummer.
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VAT MOSS Logo 16 Nov 2020 If a UK company were to provide B2C supplies of digital services to EU, there has been the (Mini One Stop Shops) MOSS scheme in place. VAT Mini One Stop Shop for reporting and paying VAT due on supplies of digital services to consumers in the EU. 9 May 2019 Back in 2015, changes were made on the VAT rules for merchants to customer supplies relating to digital services in the EU. Find out more 12 Nov 2018 It was introduced so that UK sellers, and businesses outside the EU, could just register and pay VAT to HMRC, instead of having to register for 1 Apr 2015 Our VAT MOSS report provides that information. The quarterly period the data relates to; A list of all EU countries that supplies have been made 29 Oct 2020 A similar scheme known as the Mini One Stop Shop (“MOSS”) already exists for electronically supplied services by EU and non-EU suppliers. 23 Jan 2020 As of 2021 other (non-digital) B2C services as well as B2C supplies of goods, the so-called distance sales, will also fall in scope of the MOSS.
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Om du vill använda MOSS måste du först registrera dig i tjänsten. Om du har ett deklarationsombud kan ombudet deklarera för din del. Läs mer här.
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The VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) is an optional scheme that allows you to account for VAT - normally due in multiple EU countries – in just one EU country (In this case, the 27 EU member states + the UK (until the end of the transition period).). 2018-04-09 2017-06-19 2017-06-19 Mer information under Questions & Answers – VAT changes from 2015 på EU-kommissionens webbplats Beloppen i MOSS-deklarationen ska anges i euro och inte i svenska kronor. Har du sålt tjänster i annan valuta än euro, ska du räkna om beloppet till euro när du redovisar i MOSS-deklarationen. From 1 st January 2021, the UK will have left the EU Single Market and Customs Union, and therefore, lost access to the EU VAT MOSS scheme.
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EU prefixed VAT numbers and MOSS A non EU business may trade in electronic services in the EU using a VAT number prefixed with EU. If a business based outside the EU supplies electronically supplied services to end customers in the EU they would normally, subject to the local conditions, be expected to register for VAT in the country where the services are consumed.
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Ta reda The e-service MOSS (VoeS) can be used by companies outside the European Union (EU). Companies already registered for VAT within the EU cannot use the Registrering till MOSS ska ske i det EU-land där du som företagare har ditt säte Answers – VAT changes from 2015 på EU-kommissionens webbplats länk till Detta kan bara göras till företagskunder med VAT-nr. Så för B2C blir MOSS ett krav oavsett CTP-status.
If you do not make use of this scheme, you must file your returns in each EU country The Thirteenth VAT Directive allows businesses established outside the EU to recover VAT in certain circumstances. Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) To comply with these new rules, businesses need to decide if they want to register to use the EU VAT Mini One Stop Shop (MOSS) simplification scheme. Registration for MOSS is voluntary.