drill down into - Swedish translation – Linguee


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Meaning of drill down. What does drill down mean? Information and translations of drill down in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. intransitivephrasal verb drill down computing: move through hierarchy of 1; noun Technical meaning of drill down (database) (Or "drill-down analysis") To examine data in greater detail, especially, in reporting, to interactively select some item from a summary and display the data that contributed to that item, broken down by some extra parameter.

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Als Drilldown (oder Drill-Down) wird im Allgemeinen die Navigation in hierarchischen Daten bezeichnet.. Beim Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) und Information Retrieval ist Drilldown ein Verfahren, bei dem die verschiedenen Eigenschaften von vorhandenen Informationsobjekten herangezogen werden, um die Analyse beziehungsweise Suche nach ihnen schrittweise zu verfeinern. Well, there’s a stealth way to drill down in PivotCharts that’s been around since (at least) Excel 2007. Excel Pivot Chart Drill Down Pre-Excel 2016. To drill up/down in PivotCharts in versions of Excel prior to 2016 you need to left click the axis to select it > then right-click > Expand/Collapse and from here you can choose from the options: ‘a drill-down menu of topics’ ‘The reporting interface is done well, and it allows you to drill down to various levels of detail.’ ‘If you feel, however, that the e-mail might be legit, log in to your account using the company's Web site and drill down to the personal account information page yourself.’ Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "drill down" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. Ellenőrizze a (z) drill down fordításokat a (z) magyar nyelvre.

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Drill down meaning

drill down 1.

Drill down meaning

7 апр 2021 drill down: Определение drill down: 1. to look for something on a computer or website by moving from general information to more….
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Drill down meaning

Information and translations of drill down in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. intransitivephrasal verb drill down computing: move through hierarchy of 1; noun Technical meaning of drill down (database) (Or "drill-down analysis") To examine data in greater detail, especially, in reporting, to interactively select some item from a summary and display the data that contributed to that item, broken down by some extra parameter.

Meaning: Search through layers of information on a computer. Example: I really had to DRILL  What's the definition of Drill down in thesaurus?
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To insert a new slicer, click on the Insert tab and choose the Slicer icon. 2021-04-11 · Drill down definition: to look at or examine something in depth | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Drill-Down . When you have a hierarchy in your data model, for example, Year->Quarter-Month-Weeks-Days or Country->State->District or Product Category->Product Segment->Product, you may add the hierarchy or these fields to any visual like "Matrix" and show the first level data by default and allow the users to drill down to the next level using Drill-Down feature. Drill down definition at Dictionary.com, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now! Drill Down is an idiom. The meaning of this idiom is (idiomatic) to examine information at another level or in greater detail; especially in a database, to navigate to a more detailed level or record.

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The Swedish for hammer in is slå in. to hammer … drillborrar, borrskär,  I don't know what your meaning, but what I think that your saying that people until I drill down to the Taipei-only section I already have @mentions disabled on  Goals through products and solutions that improve energy efficiency, and with sustainability in our genetic code, we define our purpose as drilling, Alfa Laval offers heat exchangers and decanter centrifuges for mixing,  Be sure that you understand their meaning before use. loose easily, causing a breakdown or accident.

‘a drill-down menu of topics’ ‘The reporting interface is done well, and it allows you to drill down to various levels of detail.’ ‘If you feel, however, that the e-mail might be legit, log in to your account using the company's Web site and drill down to the personal account information page yourself.’ Drill down and drill through allows users to view data in a variety of ways without having to create new reports, dashboards, or visualizations. Being able to interactively dig through different data layers while remaining within one visualization enabling users to visually analyze data in-context. drill down vi phrasal phrasal verb, intransitive: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning and not taking direct object--for example, "make up" [=reconcile]: "After they fought, they made up." What is Drill Down Capability? Definition of Drill Down Capability: EIS capability to display details of summary-level information by allowing the pointing and clicking on a specific data field for which the user desires an additional level of detail.